Friday, August 13, 2010

Report on Green House Gas Emissions

According to the recent report prepared under the aegis of Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA), the total Green House Gases (GHGs) emissions of anthropogenic origin from the sectors such as Energy, Agriculture, Industry, Forestry and Wastes was of the order of 1,727 million tons of CO2 equivalent. Between 1994 and 2007, some of the sectors indicate significant growth at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in GHG emissions such as cement production (6.0%), electricity generation (5.6%) and transport (4.5%). The report only provides the sources and the estimations of emission of GHGs. The analysis of the energy intensities and efficiency related aspects were beyond the scope of the report.

The Government has released the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) which outlines India’s strategy to meet the challenge of Climate Change. Two of the eight National Missions i.e. National Solar Mission and National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency relate to mitigation of emissions and include ambitious programmes aimed at generating solar power and conserving energy. Energy Efficiency mission envisages setting norms for achieving energy efficiency under perform, achieve and Trade Scheme. Further, public and private sector entities participate in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol which helps in reducing emissions. These initiatives have the effect of reducing carbon emissions. In addition to a range of policies and programmes taken to respond to reducing emissions, interalia, include:

(i) Setting up of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and encouraging energy conservation and introduction of energy efficiency labeling.

(ii) promoting use of renewable energy

(iii) power sector reforms and active renewable energy programme

(iv) use of cleaner and lesser carbon intensive fuel for transport

(v) fuel switching to cleaner energy

(vi) afforestation and conservation of forests

(vii) promotion of clean coal technologies

(viii) reduction of gas flaring

(ix) encouraging Mass Rapid Transport systems

(x) environmental quality management for all sectors

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